Expedited Partner Therapy in the ED

The Emergency Department is in a key position to help turn the tide on these health disparities and improve sexual health equity through EPT.

Use this website to learn more and take action today.

Scope of the Problem

Rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States have increased to alarming levels in the past decade. From 2014 to 2018, gonorrhea cases increased by 63% to over 583,000 cases and chlamydia increased by 19% to 1.8 million cases- the most ever reported by the Centers for Disease Control. STIs disproportionately affect those with low health care access, racial minority, and low-income populations, the same vulnerable populations which are more likely to use the ED for STI care. Thus, STI’s are an issue of social justice and health equity.

Why should you institute EPT?

What steps can you take to start EPT?

Take actions to improve EPT adoption


Copyright 2021